Risk tolerance refers to the amount of loss that you are willing to handle while making an investment decision. Risk can mean opportunity, excitement, or a chance at big gains, but it is also about tolerating potential losses as well as withstanding market swings and the inability to predict what’s ahead. Knowing your risk tolerance level and keeping your investments within that level is key to your investment strategy.
Optimal Wealth Services has implemented Riskalyze, the world’s first risk alignment platform, which mathematically pinpoints how much risk investors want, how much risk they currently have in their portfolio, and how much risk they need to take to reach their goals. Riskalyze replaces subjective terms like “conservative” and “aggressive” with the Risk Number, a quantitative way for clients and advisors to establish the correct amount of risk for your investments. We can now build an investment portfolio to match your Risk Number and chart a clearly defined path for you to reach your financial goals!
Portfolio Analysis
Portfolio analysis is the process of studying an investment portfolio to determine if it is appropriate for your needs, preferences, and resources. It also evaluates the probability of meeting its goals and objectives, particularly on a risk-adjustment basis and other factors. Analyzing your portfolio improves the odds of having enough growth to harvest the financial rewards you need; therefore, regular portfolio analysis and overseeing your money are essential to your success. At Optimal Wealth Services, we will assist you in reviewing your portfolio on several levels and ensure that your holdings fit your goals and investment styles.